Saturday, 17 January 2015

Beach Head Strategy

As last year closed it's curtains so was my inspiration to write, had to catch myself by the arm. What i learnt in the past six months? that it is not enough to want to do something, as you will get tired along the way it is how and why you wish to do it that counts. Why are you starting a business, why are you changing your career. If you can't answer this objectively and break it down then it will be difficult to see it to the end, enough about me. The beach head approach is an essential tool in our every day life, it is applied in all our decisions unknowingly no doubt it can be equally applied in business to generate success as an entrepreneur.

Like beachhead strategies. The term comes from military strategy, meaning that as you invade enemy territory, you need to focus your strength and concentrate on winning a small border area (the beachhead) that becomes the stronghold from which you’ll advance into the rest of the territory.
And it’s good business. In business, particularly startups, the beachhead strategy is about focusing your resources on one key area, usually a smaller market segment or product category, and winning that market first, even dominating that market, before moving into larger markets.
Beachhead strategies are often critical for bootstrapping new businesses. And franchisor businesses should think of the beachhead strategy as making sure the initial locations are strong and successful and good models for future locations.
Sadly, people don’t always communicate beachhead strategies well. I often see what should be beachhead strategies looking instead like they are focusing too narrowly and missing the larger markets that the beachhead will lead to.
It’s ironic. In business pitches, for startups, the beachhead strategies tend to generate criticism from judges, experts, and other assorted experts for being too narrow, too focused. They want the big picture. But, on the other hand, the big picture, do-everything strategies will often be criticized for being unrealistically ambitious, and unrealistic.
The answer If you are doing a beachhead strategy, make sure that you include the follow-up idea of broadening your approach later on, after establishing yourself in that first core market.
— Late addition
Innovation is easy once you identify your beach head. It lets u create the product that not just meets your customers’ needs but also provides an extra feature and benefit, in the world today with lots of competition your business needs to stand out. It is not necessarily creating something new but augmenting and existing product or service making it better and more efficient, therefore it is more easy and to innovate than invent. For example whatsapp and viber came at a time when facebook and twitter already existed and had acquired a great market share but their services where customized and tailored to meet customer needs in a different ways viber had free calls and a host of other customized services.

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